President- Casey Milliken
Casey Milliken is a 2012 Wentworth Fellow, which allowed him to study in Cape Town, South Africa this summer. He joined Sigma Tau Delta in Fall, 2011, and served as Vice President for the past two semesters. He is a Senior pursuing a B.A. in English (Literary Studies), a B.A. in Communication Studies (Performance Studies), and minors in Creative Writing and Journalism. He plans to continue his education in graduate school for both Literature and Performance Studies, further making connections between written and oral storytelling. His academic interests include narrative journalism, post-colonial theory, applied theatre, performance ethnography, and Welsh culture. He is nonfiction editor for Treehouse magazine. He hopes to continue local acting throughout his undergraduate and graduate education, which will eventually lead to the pursuit of a Ph.D. in English with a focus in critical theory and dramatic literature.
Casey Milliken is a 2012 Wentworth Fellow, which allowed him to study in Cape Town, South Africa this summer. He joined Sigma Tau Delta in Fall, 2011, and served as Vice President for the past two semesters. He is a Senior pursuing a B.A. in English (Literary Studies), a B.A. in Communication Studies (Performance Studies), and minors in Creative Writing and Journalism. He plans to continue his education in graduate school for both Literature and Performance Studies, further making connections between written and oral storytelling. His academic interests include narrative journalism, post-colonial theory, applied theatre, performance ethnography, and Welsh culture. He is nonfiction editor for Treehouse magazine. He hopes to continue local acting throughout his undergraduate and graduate education, which will eventually lead to the pursuit of a Ph.D. in English with a focus in critical theory and dramatic literature.
Vice President- Kathleen Bure
Kathleen is a Senior majoring in English with a concentration in Literary Studies, minoring in Psychology, and pursuing a certificate in Professional Writing. She has been a member of Sigma Tau Delta since 2011, and served as Secretary during the 2012-2013 academic year. Currently working on a departmental honors thesis, she is exploring her interest in memoir-writing as it relates to the transmission of trauma in second and third generation Holocaust survivors. She was a 2013 Wentworth recipient, which allowed her to travel to New York City in March 2013 to examine how the city's 1960's and 1970's counterculture movement impacted memoirist, poet, and musician Patti Smith. In addition to her studies, she enjoys exercising, thrift store shopping, and getting addicted to television series on Netflix. After graduation, she hopes to enroll in law school in Fall 2014.
Secretary- Kayla Smiddy
Kayla Smiddy is a Senior majoring in English with a Literary Studies concentration. She has completed a Creative Writing minor with a concentration in nonfiction. A member of Sigma Tau Delta since Spring 2012, she is looking forward to taking on the role of Secretary this year. She declared her major after a guest speaker from the English Department visited her freshman class to discuss Trauma memoirs. Since then, her interest in nonfiction literature has grown. An employee at the Student Recreation Center since 2011, she just finished a rewarding year as the first Community Service Chairperson for the Facilities team. Recently engaged, she is planning a 2014 wedding. She loves admiring the little things in life such as children laughing, sunsets at the beach, puppies, and quotes that speak to her. She is honored to be the 2013-2014 Anne Green Saus scholarship recipient and hopes to continue her education at UNCW for her M.A. in English.
Treasurer- Jordan Griffin
Jordan is a Senior at UNCW majoring in English with a concentration in Literary Studies. She has been a junior member of Sigma Tau Delta since Spring 2013 and looks forward to her role as 2013-2014 Treasurer. A future Librarian (and lover of all things literary), some of her favorite works of literature include Bradbury's Fahrenheit 451, Lelsea Newman's October Mourning, Gerd Brantenburg's Egalia's Daughters, The Stand by Stephen King (really anything written by Stephen King), Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson, Shakespeare's Tragedies and anything written by Sophocles. In addition to her studies, she enjoys playing with her three dogs, planning her upcoming wedding, and relaxing at the beach.
Historian- Hannah Payne
Hannah has been a member of Sigma Tau Delta since Fall 2012. She is a Senior majoring in English Literature and minoring in Creative Writing. In addition, she has been working at the Student Recreation Center on campus for over three years. She also studied abroad in London, England, from January until June of 2012 and has since become very involved with UNCW’s Office of International Programs, volunteering as a Study Abroad Ambassador and International Student Orientation Leader. She was also chosen as a member of the Office of International Program’s Speakers Bureau, going to classes and events on campus and sharing her study abroad experience. The struggle that her favourite books (the Harry Potter series) had getting published has peaked her interest in publishing. When she graduates, she would, therefore, like to work in publishing or a university’s study abroad office.
P.R. Committee Chair- Ellen Watts
Ellen joined Sigma Tau Delta in the fall of 2012 and now serves as the Public Relations Officer. She is a senior majoring in English with a Professional Writing concentration and Communication Studies. Additionally, Ellen serves as the Boseman Gallery Reception Coordinator, works as a student fundraiser at the UNCW Call Center, and is a member of Lambda Pi Eta. After graduation, Ellen plans on pursuing a career as a director in a museum. In her free time, she enjoys completing various craft projects and watching Alabama football. Her favorite writers include Lewis Carroll and Oscar Wilde.
Ellen joined Sigma Tau Delta in the fall of 2012 and now serves as the Public Relations Officer. She is a senior majoring in English with a Professional Writing concentration and Communication Studies. Additionally, Ellen serves as the Boseman Gallery Reception Coordinator, works as a student fundraiser at the UNCW Call Center, and is a member of Lambda Pi Eta. After graduation, Ellen plans on pursuing a career as a director in a museum. In her free time, she enjoys completing various craft projects and watching Alabama football. Her favorite writers include Lewis Carroll and Oscar Wilde.
Ms. Sumerel is a lecturer in the English Department at UNC-Wilmington. She earned her BA in English and BFA in Creative Writing from UNC-Wilmington; during which time she served as Sigma Tau Delta chapter Vice President and then Sigma Tau Delta chapter President. After graduating, she went on to earn her MA in Literary and Cultural Studies from Carnegie Mellon University. Some of Ms. Sumerel’s favorite books include Atwood’s The Edible Woman, Auster’s The Book of Illusions, and Delillo’s The White Noise. In addition, she enjoys the films of Charlie Chaplin, and is an avid collector of Wizard of Oz memorabilia.